The SOLID principles are a fundamental part of software development and are essential for creating robust and scalable applications. They were introduced by software engineer Robert C. Martin, and each of them addresses a specific aspect of software design. In the context of ReactJS, applying these principles can help create a more cohesive and modular architecture, resulting in code that is easier to maintain and modify.
In this article, we will explore the five SOLID principles and how they specifically apply to ReactJS. We will cover practical examples of how to apply each principle and discuss why they are important for quality application development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, we hope this article provides you with useful information on how to apply the SOLID principles in ReactJS. Let's get started!
- The Single Responsibility Principle states that a class or component should have a single responsibility. This means a class or component should have only one reason to change. Applying this principle can improve the modularity of an application and make the code easier to maintain and understand. In ReactJS, this translates to ensuring that each component has a unique function and is not responsible for too many tasks. For example, breaking down a task list component into smaller components that handle displaying each task individually.
Imagine we have a component called TodoList that displays a list of tasks. The TodoList component also handles the logic for adding new tasks and deleting existing tasks. However, this violates the Single Responsibility Principle, as the component is handling multiple responsibilities.
To apply the Single Responsibility Principle, we can split the TodoList component into smaller, specialized components. Instead of managing all the task list logic in a single component, we can create smaller, specialized components to handle individual tasks and the logic for adding and deleting tasks.
Below is an example of code where we have applied this principle. We have divided the TodoList component into smaller, specialized components that handle individual tasks and the logic for adding and deleting tasks:
function TodoItem({ task, onRemove }) {
return (
<button onClick={onRemove}>Eliminar tarea</button>
function useTodoList() {
const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
function handleAdd(newTask) {
if (newTask !== '') {
setTasks([...tasks, newTask]);
function handleRemove(index) {
const newTasks = [...tasks];
newTasks.splice(index, 1);
return [tasks, handleAdd, handleRemove];
function TodoList() {
const [tasks, handleAdd, handleRemove] = useTodoList();
const [newTask, setNewTask] = useState('');
function handleChange(e) {
function handleAddTask() {
return (
{, index) => (
onRemove={() => handleRemove(index)}
<input value={newTask} onChange={handleChange} />
<button onClick={handleAddTask}>Agregar tarea</button>
In this example, we have created a custom hook useTodoList that handles the task list and the logic for adding and deleting tasks. Then, the TodoList component uses the hook to get the task list and the handlers handleAdd and handleRemove.
The TodoList component is only responsible for rendering the task list and handling user interactions, which complies with the Single Responsibility Principle.
By separating the logic from the `TodoList` component into a custom hook, we have made the code even more modular and easier to understand and maintain. Additionally, we have improved code reuse, as we can now use the `useTodoList` hook in any component that needs to manage a task list.
- The Open/Closed Principle states that a class or component should be closed to modification but open to extension. This means that a class or component should be easily extensible without having to modify its existing code. In ReactJS, this means we should be able to add new features to our code without modifying the existing code.
To apply this principle in React, we can create reusable components that are easily extensible without needing to modify their original code.
For example, let's suppose we have a Button component that is used in various places in our application. Now, we need to add new functionality to this component: adding an icon next to the button text. Instead of modifying the Button component code directly, we can create a new component that extends the functionality of the original Button.
Here is how the code would look:
import React from 'react';
function Button({ children, }) {
return <button {}>{children}</button>;
function IconButton({ icon, children, }) {
return (
<Button {}>
export { Button, IconButton };
- The Liskov Substitution Principle states that derived classes or components should be able to be used as instances of their base classes or components without requiring any additional modifications. In other words, any instance of a class or component should be replaceable with an instance of its base class or component without causing the application to fail. In ReactJS, this means that derived components should be usable in place of their base components without causing issues. This is achieved by maintaining a consistent and coherent structure across all components.
Regarding the third principle, the Liskov Substitution Principle, we can apply it in React by using component composition and inheritance patterns. Generally speaking, a child component should be usable in place of its parent component without causing incorrect behavior in the application.
Suppose we have a component called Button that is used to render buttons in our application. Now, we want to create a new type of button called SubmitButton, which has a different style and is used for submitting forms.
We can create the new SubmitButton component by extending the Button component and overriding the default style:
import React from 'react';
import Button from './Button';
function SubmitButton(props) {
return (
<Button {...props} style={{ backgroundColor: 'green', color: 'white' }} />
export default SubmitButton;
In this example, the SubmitButton component inherits from Button and overrides the default style to have a green background and white text. We can use this new SubmitButton component instead of the Button component anywhere in our application where we need a submit button.
In this way, we have applied the Liskov Substitution Principle in our React code. The SubmitButton component behaves like a valid type of button wherever a button is needed, and we can use it without worrying that the behavior of our application will change unexpectedly.
- Interface Segregation Principle: This principle states that a class or component should not implement interfaces or behaviors it does not need. In ReactJS, this means we should divide our components into smaller, more specialized pieces instead of creating one large component that does everything. For example, we can separate a form component into smaller components that handle individual input fields, and another component that handles form submission.
Let's say we have a Header component that displays the title of a page and includes a navigation button. We could divide this component into two parts: Title and NavigationButton, each handling their specific responsibilities of managing the title and the navigation button, respectively.
import React from 'react';
interface HeaderProps {
title: string;
onNavigation: () => void;
function Header({ title, onNavigation }: HeaderProps) {
return (
<Title title={title} />
<NavigationButton onNavigation={onNavigation} />
interface TitleProps {
title: string;
function Title({ title }: TitleProps) {
return <h1>{title}</h1>;
interface NavigationButtonProps {
onNavigation: () => void;
function NavigationButton({ onNavigation }: NavigationButtonProps) {
return (
<button onClick={onNavigation}>
<span>Go to Next Page</span>
export default Header;
In this example, Header has been divided into two smaller parts: Title and NavigationButton, each responsible for specifically displaying the title and the navigation button, respectively. This approach allows us to reuse these parts in other components that need to display a title or a navigation button without including the entire Header component.
- (Dependency Inversion Principle): This principle states that higher-level components should not depend on lower-level components directly, but rather on abstractions. In ReactJS, this means components should not directly depend on other components, but on abstractions such as props or state. It's also important to use dependency injection patterns to avoid excessive coupling between components.
Imagine we have a UserList component that displays a list of users and allows deleting users by clicking a button. Instead of making the UserList component directly depend on a user API, we can use a UserRepository interface that allows us to access user data. The UserList component would then depend on this interface rather than the concrete implementation of the API. This way, we can easily change the implementation of the interface without needing to alter the UserList component's code.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
interface User {
id: number;
name: string;
email: string;
interface UserRepository {
getUsers(): Promise<User[]>;
deleteUser(id: number): Promise<void>;
interface UserListProps {
userRepository: UserRepository;
function UserList({ userRepository }: UserListProps) {
const [users, setUsers] = useState<User[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
userRepository.getUsers().then((users) => setUsers(users));
}, [userRepository]);
function handleDeleteUser(id: number) {
userRepository.deleteUser(id).then(() => {
setUsers(users.filter((user) => !== id));
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
<button onClick={() => handleDeleteUser(}>Delete</button>
export default UserList;
In this example, the `UserList` component uses the `UserRepository` interface to access user data and delete users. Now, we can provide different implementations of `UserRepository` depending on our needs, such as a user API or a mock data simulation in memory. The `UserList` component will function without any changes to its code.
In summary, applying the SOLID principles in React helps create more cohesive, flexible, and maintainable components. Each SOLID principle serves a specific purpose that enhances code quality and reduces errors. The proper application of these principles depends on the project context, but their use can make a significant difference in software quality.